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How to Solve AE Problem of Adobe Media Encoder is Not Installed
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How to Solve AE Problems of Adobe Media Encoder is Not Installed and AEGP Plugin AEDynamaicLinkServer Error

Author by Rocabella

Updated on Mar 17, 2023

Whenever I try to export my AE projects to media encoder, I get an error message (Adobe Media Encoder is not installed). Even when I install Adobe Media Encoder, here is a hint “AEGP Plugin AEDynamicLinkServer:”, how can I solve these problems? Follow this article to know more. By the way, here is a recommended video converter you may like:

Have You Encountered the Error Message “Adobe Media Encoder is not installed”?

Adobe Media Encoder is Not InstalledAdobe Media Encoder is Not Installed

Q1: I just opened my .aep project file in After Effects, added some text animations and wanted to export the video to H.264. But when I clicked Add to Adobe Media Encoder Queue, I got the following error:

"AEGP Plugin AEDynamicLinkServer: Adobe Media Encoder is not installed. Please download and install it to use this feature. Go to https://creative.adobe.apps. (5027:: 12)"

And another error popped up after clicking OK:

"AEGP Plugin AEDynamicLinkServer: Failed to connect to Adobe Media Encoder. (5027::12)"

So how can I fix After Effects AEGP Plugin AEDynamicLinkServer error? I just want to render my .aep project to MP4 H.264.

Q2: Finding solution for Error Code: -1609629690 while rendering/exporting from Premiere Pro CC, can someone please help.

A: We always see a lot of similar questions on the Q & A platforms and the official forum. And if you have the same problem, follow this article to find the reason for “AEGP AEDynamicLinkServer” and get the related solutions.

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Why does this After Effects AEGP Plugin Error Come out?

Generally speaking, the Adobe After Effects plugins error is usually caused by three reasons.

1. Adobe Media Encoder is not installed.

2. The Version of After Effects and Adobe Media Encoder are inconsistent.

3. After Effects and Adobe Media Encoder are not installed on the unified C drive software default directory, C:/Program Files/Adobe.

After getting reasons for the After Effects AEGP plugin error, let’s see how to fix this problem.

How to Fix After Effects AEGP Plugin AEDynamicLinkServer Error?

The first two cases are easy to solve, just download and install Adobe Media Encoder in the Creative Cloud (Creative Cloud official site: It's worth noting that the versions of After Effects and Adobe Media Encoder should be consistent.

As for the third case, actually, this problem is no longer available because the latest version of After Effects and Adobe Media Encoder is installed by default in the C:\Program Files\Adobe directory. But for the people who are using old versions with the problems, we will tell you how to solve this problem without uninstalling and reinstalling.

If your After Effects are on the C drive, and Adobe Media Encoder is on another drive, follow the steps below:

Fix ProblemsFix Problems

Step 1: In order to solve AEGP Plugin AEDynamicLinkServer issue, firstly, please check the versions of After Effects and Adobe Media Encoder and make sure they are consistent.

Step 2: Enter “cmd” in the search button, and open the Command Prompt as administrator.

Step 3: Execute the following command:

mklink /J "(your system drive letter):\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Media Encoder CC (version)" "(your customized location drive letter):\Adobe\ Adobe Media Encoder CC (version)"

For example,

mklink /J "C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Media Encoder 2018" "F:\Adobe\Adobe Adobe Media Encoder CC 2018"

Step 4: After pressing enter, here is a hint “Junction created for C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Media Encoder CC 2018 <<--->> F:\Adobe\ Adobe Media Encoder CC 2018.”

Step 5: Close Command Prompts, and restart Adobe After Effects and then you will find that the AEGP Plugin AEDynamicLinkServer problem has been resolved.

Now, you have got the reasons and solutions for the problem of “AEGP Plugin AEDynamicLinkServer” and “Adobe Media Encoder Not Installed”. If this article does help you, you are free to share with more friends.

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