How to Add Chapters to MP4?

Author: Kevincy
Publish date
Dec 6, 2023
Create Chapters in MP4
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4 Ways to Create Chapters in MP4s
#1. Using FFmpeg
#2. Using MKVToolNix-GUI
#3. Using Drax
#4. Using XMedia Recode

Adding chapters to your MP4 files can make them more organized and easier to navigate, especially in lengthy videos. They are akin to chapters in a book, providing a structured and quick navigation through the content.

It's beneficial for educational content, tutorials, or even long movies, making it easier to find and rewatch specific parts without scrubbing through the entire timeline.

4 Ways to Create Chapters in Your MP4s

#1. Using FFmpeg

FFmpeg is a powerful open-source command-line tool for editing and converting videos. Here are the steps to use FFmpeg for adding chapters:

Step 1. Download and install FFmpeg from its Official Website. Ensure you get the version compatible with your operating system.

Step 2. Create a text file containing the chapter information. Each chapter should be formatted as follows:


# Chapter 1 starts at 00:00
# Chapter 1 ends at 00:15 (minus 1 millisecond)

# Chapter 2 starts at 00:15
# Chapter 2 ends at 00:38 (minus 1 millisecond)
title=2.Ken vs Ryu

Step 3. Once your chapter file is ready, use the following FFmpeg command to add chapters to your MP4 file:

ffmpeg -i INPUT.mp4 -i Chapter.txt -map_metadata 1 -codec copy OUTPUT.mp4

Replace "INPUT.mp4" with the name of your original video file and "Chapter.txt" with the name of your chapter file.

Chapterize MP4 with FFmpeg
Chapterize MP4 with FFmpeg

#2. Using MKVToolNix-GUI

MKVToolNix-GUI provides a graphical interface for MKVToolNix, which is a set of tools to create, alter, and inspect Matroska files. But it can also work with MP4s.

Step 1. Download and install it from its Official Website.

Step 2. Create a text file, customize chapter titles and durations in the following format:

CHAPTER01NAME=Enter Chapter 1 Name Here
CHAPTER02NAME=Enter Chapter 2 Name Here
CHAPTER03NAME=Enter Chapter 3 Name Here

Step 3. Run MKVToolNix-GUI and add your MP4 file in "Input" area.

Step 4. Switch to "Output" tab, navigate to "Chapters".

Step 5. Add your TXT file to "Chapter file" section.

Step 6. Choose a destination folder, and change the extension from .mkv to .mp4.

Step 7. Finally, click "Start multiplexing" button.

MKVToolNix Add Chapters to MP4
MKVToolNix Add Chapters to MP4

#3. Using Drax

Drax is a lightweight Windows-based utility designed specifically for editing chapter markers in MP4/M4V files. It's user-friendly and perfect for those who prefer a simple graphical interface.

Step 1. Download and install it from GitHub Page.

Step 2. Run Drax and add your MP4 file. Choose "All Files (*.*)" if there is no available video.

Step 3. Switch to "Chapters" tab, click the "+" icon to create a new chapter marker here. Enter the desired timestamps and chapter title.

Step 4. Repeat the process to create multiple chapter markers with titles.

Step 5. Finally, click the "Save" icon to write chapters into the MP4 video.

Create MP4 Chapters Using Drax
Create MP4 Chapters Using Drax

#4. Using XMedia Recode

XMedia Recode is a free video and audio converter that also an easy workflow to chapterize MP4 file on Windows.

Step 1. Download and install it from Official Website.

Step 2. Launch XMedia Recode, click on the "Open File" button to add your MP4 file.

Step 3. Choose "MP4" as output format.

Step 4. Navigate to "Chapter Editor" tab, specify chapter positions and names accordingly.

Step 5. Specify an output folder at the bottom and click "Add to queue" button.

Step 6. Finally, hit "Encode" button to start processing.

XMedia Recode Add Chapters
XMedia Recode Add Chapters


Q1: Can I edit chapters again in an MP4 after creation?

A: Yes, open chapterized MP4 files in tools like HandBrake, MKVToolNix, Drax, etc. to edit specific chapters.

Q2: Will chapters work if I change MP4 file containers?

A: Yes, if you remux the MP4 file into formats like MKV or MOV, the added chapters will still work.

Q3: Is it possible to create MP4 chapters using HandBrake?

A: No, HandBrake can ONLY copy chapters from your source to output MP4, MKV, or WebM. You're NOT allowed to add new chapter markers.

Q4: Can I add chapters in VLC?

A: No, but instead, you can customize bookmarks in VLC to achieve similar purposes.

Q5: Does YouTube recognize my chapterized MP4 file?

A: Actually, you can upload it to YouTube as usual. But all the chapters will be lost. You need to add video chapters in YouTube video by adding a list of timestamps and titles in Description.

Final Words

In summary, adding chapters is a great way to structure your MP4 videos and access specific points easily. Experiment with different methods to discover the one that best suits your workflow, and enjoy the benefits of a seamlessly chapterized MP4 experience. Elevate your content, engage your audience, and make navigating your videos a breeze.

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